
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

In the ministry to men at North Summit Church, we believe God has given each man a unique spiritual journey. Our aim is to assist each man to become the authentic man of God that Christ is calling him to be. Throughout the year, the Men's Ministry hosts various environments for men to gather and grow together.
Men's Retreat
Come join men who are striving to be obedient to the call of being godly husbands, fathers, and co-workers as we are challenged by God's Word. If you're a man, this weekend is for you to find rest, purpose, and your next step in your faith in Christ and serving His Church.
Thursday-Saturday, May 1-3 (2 Night Option) or Friday-Saturday, May 2-3 (1 Night option)

Men's Bible Studies
Living in a world that continually encourages men to compromise, we help men seek authentic manhood found in Christ. Through our Bible Studies, men get together to learn, grow and be challenged by God's Word, exemplifying what we believe Christ meant by "making disciples." Get to know other men as we study scripture together and share what God is doing in our lives.
Men's Breakfast
Monthly Men's Breakfast will help you dig into God's Word and re-engage in your family, work and life with renewed vision. This is a unique time where you can join other men in the spiritual journey, seeking to make Christ central in your life.
Band of Brothers (B.o.B) Groups
We believe that all men need a band of brothers around them in their fight of faith. Our B.o.Bs are small group environments for men, where they can share life, be encouraged, and be challenged to carry out the God-given responsibilities he's been called to in Christ.  

Iron Man Breakfast
Join us at Connie's Cafe in downtown Sandpoint for food, fellowship, and encouragement in a small group atmosphere that meets a couple times a month. This is a great place for ongoing connection, simply show up every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 8am!

Men's Service Team
The Men's Service Team is comprised of a group of guys who are committed to being the helping hands of the Church body. They are constantly looking for opportunities to help with meals, setup/teardown, and other tasks that will help the various ministries of the church succeed. 

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.